Home / Keyword interview with the vampire [421]
- Oh Louis
- Claudia
- Raawr
- Louis
- Louis
- Louis
- Louis
- Louis
- Claudia
- I have a gift for you!
- Do you still want death?
- Louis
- Vastabyss
- Precious guilt
- Night vision
- Louis Lestat
- Claudia
- Louis Lestat
- Louis Lestat
- Lestat
- Louis Lestat
- Kill her gently
- Kill her gently
- Lestat Louis
- Lonely
- Transformed
- Louis
- Spirit
- Louis
- Silent agony
- Melancholy eyes
- Lestat
- Brat prince
- Killers
- Lestat
- Doll
- Petite devil
- Immortals
- Living doll
- Louis
- Lestat
- Sympathy of death
- Yvette
- Ecstasy in death
- Claudia
- Radiant death
- The sun is rising
- We've been seeing what you want
- Falling alseep from our vanity
- Why am i here to try again?