This is an illustration from the book _The Vampire Armand_ by Anne Rice.
In 16th Century Venice, Marius (an ancient vampire) rescued a boy of about 12 years of age from a brothel. This boy was on the brink of death after having been kidnapped by marauders in his native Russia and sold into slavery in Italy. He named the boy 'Amadeo', which means 'beloved of God'.
Right from the start, Marius saw Amadeo as one whom he could 'groom for the Blood', or educate in order to eventually be made into a vampire. Marius connected immediately with the lost child, nursed him back to health and offered him a permanent home. Amadeo is sixteen or seventeen in this picture (just before the point at which he was made into a vampire).
Over the years they spent together (Amadeo a mortal 'pet' and Marius the powerful Master and teacher), Amadeo and Marius would engage in bloodplay every so often. This is a picture of Marius taking a Little Drink from Amadeo. The amount of blood he takes is very small, and he replaces it by giving Amadeo a bit of his blood, binding Amadeo to him. The Little Drink can involve considerable pleasure and also a bit of pain (for Amadeo), but he likes it.
I think that I should add that although Marius and Amadeo are in what could be construed as a 'compromising' position in this image, there is NOTHING going on below the lower frame of the picture. We can be assured of this because, as Anne Rice fans all know, in Rice's novels her vampires have absolutely no use for their genitals whatsoever. When they are turned into vampires, pleasure is no longer located or concentrated in the nether-regions and their reproductive organs are rendered inoperative. I just thought I would make that absolutely clear.
Pencil sketch, painted in Photoshop with a Wacom tablet. Marius's jaw is a bit off, but I did the best I could as it was a terrific challenge! You'll see how much it improved from looking at the inital sketch.
- Author
- elfwood.com/u/sjoliver2
- Posted on
- Wednesday 19 August 2015
- Dimensions
- 563*750
- Filesize
- 58 KB
- Keywords
- armand, fanart, marius, novel, the vampire armand
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